Q & A


Contact us if you have additional questions and we’ll do our best to answer.

  • Do you have onsite training?

    Yes, we can provide onsite training. We can also provide training over the phone. And of course, our friendly staff is always available to answer questions and provide great service. (Learn more)

  • What are the benefits of a trust vs. life insurance?

    The biggest benefit of a trust is that you can earn a greater return on your contract, because 100% of it is invested. An insurance policy has an earnings cap, and a portion of it must be held in reserve. (Learn more)

  • What are the fees associated with trusting?

    When you use Abbit Management for your pre-need contracts, you will not pay for contract paperwork or for membership. You simply pay a straightforward management fee. (Learn more)

  • How are investment decisions made?

    Abbit Management is an investment management company. We invest for a living. We use research-based data and over 30 years of experience to make sound investment decisions. (Learn more)

  • How do I get started?

    It’s really simple. Just contact us and we will handle all the paperwork, schedule training, and help you start maximizing your pre-need program. (Learn more)